The region along with Zlatica covers the territory of historical, ethnological and geographical unit in triangle between the rivers Tisa, Morisa and Zlatica, which is also called Arankaköz, Bánságsarok or Torontál sarok. The settlement of Mokrin is often included here (on hungarien Homokrév), which is located on the other side of Zlatica, and its surroundings. In this region – except the administrative centers Novi Kneževac and Čoka –, are mostly small villages, and at the beginning of twentieth century an important European railway passed from Segedin to Temišvar. For a while, the Orient Express also passed by.
In 2014. a local border crossing was opened, on the Serbian-Romanian border between Vrbica (in hungarian Egyházaskér) and in 2019. on the Serbian-Hungarian border between Rabe and Kubekhaza. This way, a new chapter was opened in the life of the region, enabled the cultural connecting of historical territory along with Zlatica which is devided between three countries.
The Association Research Center „Banaticum” was formed in 2019. with the aim of finding the cultural, natural, historical and ethnological treasures of the region along with Zlatica and presenting, promoting them through various of events and publications. This portal was also created within these activities, with the support of the Local Community of Vrbica, the Municipality of Choka, the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - the national community and the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary.